UDC 685.34.073.22
AbstractThe wear resistance of the soles is one of the most important performance properties of shoes. This property is influenced by a number of factors: raw materials, parameters of the technological process of production of soles, conditions of storage and operation of shoes, etc. Each factor, both individually and in combination, lead to changes in the characteristics of the finished product, which necessitates an assessment of the wear resistance of shoes or parts of the bottom of shoes. The article examines the problems of testing modern soles with deep tread corrugation, using the example of thermoelastoplasts (TEP). The study aims to develop a methodology for the study of modern plantar materials with corrugations of various depths, in terms of abrasion resistance during sliding. Research methods are standard methods for evaluating physico-mechanical polymer plantar materials. As a result of the work, an improved method for testing abrasion resistance was proposed, which includes a new approach to sample preparation, which allows testing soles with deep corrugation, and recommendations on the test procedure, namely, changing the position of the samples every 2.5 minutes. The developed technique is easily reproducible in laboratory conditions and does not contradict the standard methodology. Assessment of wear resistance of monolithic shoe soles made of thermoplastics |
Burkin, Alexander N. Assessment of wear resistance of monolithic shoe soles made of thermoplastics / Alexander N. Burkin, Maria A. Neufeld // Bulletin of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2024. ─ № 4(50). ─ P. 37. DOI:10.24412/2079-7958-2024-4-37-48.