
Bulletin of
Vitebsk State

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ISSN: 2306-1774 (Online)

ISSN: 2079-7958 (Print)

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OAJI Vestnik of VSTU








Acoustic device for determining the fineness of wool fiber

UDC 677.024.017





The world is paying special attention to improving the quality of textile products and the production of finished goods by introducing new technologies for processing textile materials. One of the key factors in the development of the wool industry in any country is the sustainable development of its own raw material base and, above all, the development of domestic sheep breeding and the production of natural wool. The fineness of wool fiber is the main quality characteristic by which the fiber is classified and priced. This requires high accuracy and reliability of measurement of this indicator. This requires high accuracy and reliability in the measurement of this indicator. In the Republic of Uzbekistan, due to the high specific weight of the cost of raw materials in the wool industry, the rational and economical use of wool is of primary importance. As a result of the discrepancy between the quality indicators of wool and the requirements of the primary processing industry, a tendency to reduce the yield of fiber is observed. In connection with this situation, scientific research aims at the development, implementation and modernization of more advanced testing devices and corresponding methods for assessing wool properties in order to ensure the stability of the technological processes of spinning, weaving and finishing is becoming highly relevant. Therefore, the aim of this work is to study the possibility of measuring the fineness of wool fiber using the PAM-1 acoustic device. The results of experiments on the acoustic device were compared with the diameters of wool fibers determined using standard methods. It has been established that measurement errors when determining the fineness of wool fibers using an acoustic device are within regulated limits. Keywords: wool fiber, diameter, acoustic measurement method, regression analysis.

Acoustic device for determining the fineness of wool fiber


publisher’s imprint

Valieva, Zulfiya F. Acoustic device for determining the fineness of wool fiber / Zulfiya F. Valieva, Akmal A. Akhmedov// Bulletin of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2024. ─ № 3(49). ─ P. 9. DOI:10.24412/2079-7958-2024-3-9-19.

Accepted to publication on September 17, 2024