
Bulletin of
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ISSN: 2306-1774 (Online)

ISSN: 2079-7958 (Print)

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OAJI Vestnik of VSTU








Comparative assessment of ergonomic properties of polyurethane coated fabrics

UDC 677.017.2

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24412/2079-7958-2024-2-9-17




Ergonomics is one of the main requirements for clothing at present. The task of ensuring and improving the ergonomic properties of clothing materials is relevant and requires an integrated approach.

Ergonomic indicators of clothing encompass anthropometric, psychophysiological, and hygienic properties. Artificial leather finds application in second-layer clothing, demanding optimal microclimate creation within the under-garment space to maximize user comfort.

In order to objectively assess the quality of newly developed materials with a polyurethane coating produced in the Republic of Belarus and compare them with imported analogues of similar materials, studies were conducted on the hygienic properties of fabrics with a polyurethane coating from various manufacturers, declared as clothing materials with good vapor and air permeability.

Despite manufacturers endowing artificial leather with porosity, the challenge of inadequate hygienic properties persists due to excessively large pore sizes. In contrast, natural leather features medium-sized pores that allow vapor diffusion while preventing moisture ingress. Belarusian fabrics, incorporating a porous polyurethane coating, achieve microporosity akin to natural leather. Unlike previous substitutes, these fabrics exhibit favorable hygienic properties, including vapor and air permeability as well hygroscopicity. The cotton twill fabric forming the material base contributes to elevated performance indicators.

Notably, the samples demonstrate satisfactory dirt-repellent properties, and no shrinkage occurs after wet treatment. Belarusian fabrics, featuring a microporous polyurethane coating, outperform imported counterparts with a monolithic and porous coating. Their ergonomic indicators closely align with those of natural leather, establishing their advantage as clothing materials for the second layer.

Comparative assessment of ergonomic properties of polyurethane coated fabrics


publisher’s imprint

Maruschak, Yulia I. Comparative assessment of ergonomic properties of polyurethane coated fabrics / Yulia I. Maruschak, Natallia N. Yasinskaya // Bulletin of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2024. ─ № 2(48). ─ P. 9-17. DOI:10.24412/2079-7958-2024-2-9-17