UDC 691.4
abstractThe purpose of the presented work is to assess the effect of the addition of chemical water treatment precipitates to the structure of ceramic clinker materials and their physical and mechanical properties. Preliminary studies conducted on the use of technogenic products of the energy complex (precipitation of chemical water treatment of thermal power plants) as additives in the production of clinker ceramic materials showed that their use does not impair the quality of the final product. At Obolsky Ceramic Plant, prototypes were produced of ceramic clinker paving tiles (ceramic clinker bricks) with additives of technogenic products of the energy complex (precipitation of chemical water treatment). Addition of chemical water treatment precipitates in amount of 2 % of weight contributes to formation of more uniform structure of sintered main mass of tiles, leads to processes of solid minerals crystallization from melt and increases the amount of glass phase, which determines strength properties of ceramic products. Studies of the physical and mechanical properties of the prototypes showed that ceramic clinker tiles (ceramic clinker bricks) with the addition of technogenic products of the energy complex (precipitation of chemical water treatment of thermal power plants) comply with STB 1787-2007 standard. Based on the results of the studies performed at Obolsky Ceramic Plant, specifications for ceramic clinker tiles and technological regulations for their manufacture are being developed. |
Hrachanikau, Aliaksandr Study of the Structure and Properties of Ceramic Clinker Materials with Additives of Chemical Water Treatment Sludge / Aliaksandr Hrachanikau, Andrej Kovchur, Pavel Manak, Valery Sheleh // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2021. ─ № 2(41). ─ P. 104. DOI:10.24412/2079-7958-2021-1-104-114