UDC 621.1
abstractThe research objective is the thermal insulation of water boilers in industrial boiler rooms. The purpose of the work is theoretical substantiation of the choice of a heat-insulating material, providing the maximum environmental and resource- saving effects during the operation of hot water boilers KVGM-100. The results obtained show that the greatest effect will be achieved when using modern materials such as "Isobox Extralight" or "Izorok Isovent" as a material for a heat-insulating layer. The temperature of the outer surface of the wall of the boiler KVGM-100 will comply with the requirements of TKP 053-2007 (02300). The use of such materials for the thermal insulation of the boiler provides energy savings in the amount of 120 tons of standard fuel per year. These savings are achieved by reducing the combustion of fuel oil or natural gas, which has the environmental effect of reducing air emissions. Environmental and Thermal Effects of Modernization of Water Boilers in Industrial Boiler Rooms |
Kotow, Alexej Environmental and Thermal Effects of Modernization of Water Boilers in Industrial Boiler Rooms / Alexej Kotow, Sergey Kuzmenkov, Uladzimir Mausesian, Vasiliy Dryukov // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2021. ─ № 1(40). ─ P. 124.DOI:10.24412/2079-7958-2021-1-124-131