UDC 677.027:303.725.35
AbstractThe article discusses the research of the stress decrease along the warp and weft of half-woolen worsted fabrics by biaxial tension and exposure to hot air for a certain time. Based on the results of the research, mathematical models were constructed that enabled to predict a change in the stress during its relaxation after biaxial deformation during thermal fixation. It was revealed that the structural characteristics of the fabric, its composition, the amount of deformation and the duration of exposure to hot air influence the magnitude of the stress decrease. It was established that the maximum value of the stress arising in the process of stretching is observed at the greatest deformation, and the maximum stress decrease occurs when exposed to temperature for 220-300 seconds, depending on the amount of deformation and the type of fabric. |
Haponova, Tatsiana Development of Mathematical Models for Predicting Stress Decrease Along the Warp and Weft of Half-Woolen Worsted Fabrics in the Process of Thermal Fixation / Tatsiana Haponova, Victor Sadovski, Liliya Bratchenia // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2020. ─ № 2(39). ─ P. 27. DOI:10.24411/2079-7958-2020-13903