UDC 677.024.1: 004
AbstractThe subject of the study is two types of historical belts made by hand weaving in the first half of the 18th century in Slutsk and Lyon manufactories. The work is devoted to the identification of their differences in both external stylistic characteristics and structure, manufacturing technology. Distinctive features of the developed technology of reconstruction on the modern weaving equipment with use of information technologies of the studied belts taking into account their type are considered. The carried out researches helped to optimize some technological features of production on the modern equipment of the products which were historically carried out in technology of manual weaving. |
Kazarnovskaya, G. Features of the Structure of Slutsk Belts and Lyon Belts / G. Kazarnovskaya, N. Abramovich // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2019. ─ № 1(36). ─ P. 30. DOI:10.24411/2079-7958-2019-13604