UDC 687.016.5:687.03
abstractThe paper summarizes the results of the researche of sections of sewing articles from different fabrics at the level of waist line in the system «model-clothes» by a photometric method for the determination of influence of properties of fabrics on the parameters of formation of volume-silhouette form of clothes. Experimentally, according to the standardized methods, the main physical and mechanical characteristics of fabrics of the suiting group were identified. The models of women’s jackets of direct silhouette are made from these fabrics. The analysis of sizes of air-gaps in the different areas of horizontal section of the system «model-clothes» at the level of waist line is executed, and the percent distributing of increase on waist line between the areas of shelf, armhole and back of women`s shoulder clothing of direct silhouette is defined. Character of distributing of increase at the level of waist line in the articles of direct silhouette depending on physical and mechanical characteristics of fabrics of suit group is determined and recommendation in relation to the percent distributing of increase on the waist line is given. It can be used for visualization of sewing articles in the 3D CAD programs. |
Pashkevich, Kalina Research of influence of fabrics properties on formation of volume-silhouette form of women`s shoulder clothing/ Kalina Pashkevich // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2016. ─ Issue 2(31). ─ P. 14.