UDC 677.11.021.16/.022:658.562
abstractAnalysis of physical and mechanical properties of long scutched flax harvested in Belarus in 2013—2015 was conducted in the article. For 10, 11, 12 and 13 quality indices of long scutched flax fiber partial functions of quality for breaking load, flexibility, color group and handful length were built. The graphics of partial quality functions allow analyzing and comparing the quality of a single batch of long scutched flax fiber with quality of flax fiber harvested in 2013—2015. Developed graphs of partial quality functions can be used by the specialists in the flax processing enterprises involved in quality control of long scutched flax fiber. Comparative analysis of physical and mechanical properties of long scutched flax fiber |
Dyagilev, Andrey. Comparative analysis of physical and mechanical properties of long scutched flax fiber / Dyagilev Andrey, Biziuk Andrei, Kogan Alexander // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University. ─ 2016. ─ № 1(30). ─ P. 12.