УДК 658.152
abstractThe approach which helps to form the methods evaluating the potential level of the organization is set out. The main stages and means of modification and capacity assessment are educed. Indicators are defined and the model of capacity assessment of the organization and its structural potential is developed. As a result the assessment of opportunities of the organization in capacity-building is proved. The assessment of organizational potential based on the componentwise analysis |
Савицкая, Т.Б. Оценка потенциала организации на основе методики покомпонентного анализа / Т.Б. Савицкая, В.А. Скворцов, И.П. Сысоев, И.Г. Бабеня // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2015. ─ № 28. ─ С. 221.