УДК 546.56+546.681+546.87
abstractThe oxidation-reduction reactions in the metal oxide systems of type Me-CuO and Me-Fe2O3 with active metals (Me = Ti, Zr) can lead to thermal explosion. It was proposed to use mechanochemically obtained composite structures of active metals of type Cu/Me and Fe/Me as a reductant produced by the intensive mechanical activation. The results of investigation of effect of the structures of binary metallic nanostructured mechanocomposites precursors Cu/Me, Fe/Me on the processes of structure formation of synthesis products of systems of type Cu/Me-CuO and Fe/Me-Fe2O3 are given. It was shown that using of the mechanocomposites Cu/Me and Fe/Me provides controlled flowing of the the redox reactions without causing thermal explosion forming the composite structure of the powders . |
Витязь, П.А. Формирование структуры металлоксидных порошков на основе меди и железа в условиях механической активации / П.А. Витязь, В.И. Жорник, С.А. Ковалева, Т.Л. Талако, Т.Ф. Григорьева // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2014. ─ № 27. ─ С. 113.