УДК 621.778: 621.372.8
abstractThe article is devoted to studying the physical and mechanical characteristics of the fibrous stems of oil flax straw after combine harvesting and their further application. The most important quality factors of the fi brous stems of oil flax straw are examined. They are the fiber length, the linear density and the mass fraction of fibers having different lengths. The parameters given below have been experimentally determined. The length of the fi bres is unequal and ranges from 30 to 55 mm. The linear density of fi breshaving different lengths is 0,80 tex, being almost uniform. The percentage of fibre mass in oil flax stems is 30 %. It has been also proved that all the physical and mechanical characteristics of the fibrous stems of oil flax straw after combine harvesting meet the quality factors of flax fibre suitable for manufacturing not only cellulose-containing materials, but textiles. The technical characteristics of the fibrous stems of oil flax straw after combine harvesting |
Чурсина, Л.А. Технические характеристики волокнистой части стеблей соломы льна масличного после уборки комбайном / Л.А. Чурсина, Г.А. Бойко // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2014. ─ № 26. ─ С. 97.