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РефератSUMMARY Mineral oil are the most widespread and dangerous substances polluting superficial waters of Belarus. The most scale pollution of the rivers by oil and mineral oil are emergency dumps. In the given work the methodology of the application, the ways developed by us and technical devices is considered. Ways are intended for protection of water objects against emergency floods of oil and minimization of damage to an environment. The developed technologies allow to spend localization and liquidation of oil pollution on water-currents in usual and difficult climatic conditions to a transition period of year. |
Савенок, В. Е. Методология применения способов и технических устройств защиты водных объектов от нефтяных загрязнений / В. Е. Савенок // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2010. ─ № 18. ─ С. 136