УДК 677.494.675.022.78
abstractThe research object is the process of the volume improving of high shrinkage chemical threads under the influence of electromagnetic waves in the microwave range. The work purpose is development of energy efficient technologies to increase the volume of textile materials made of natural and chemical fibers with using of electromagnetic waves of microwave (UHF) range. As a result of experimental and theoretical studies of the process of heat treatment of textile materials made of natural and chemical fibers under conditions of microwave heating the authors have developed a technique for researching the technological process of volume improving under the influence of electromagnetic waves in the microwave range. The authors have obtained a mathematical model of the dependency of shrinkage combined high shrinkage threads on the main parameters of microwave processing to calculate a rational modes of the process of improving the volume of textile materials. The authors have conducted the optimization of the main parameters of the finishing process. Intensification of the heat treatment process of chemical high shrinkage yarns |
Бизюк, А. Н. Интенсификация процесса термообработки химических высокоусадочных нитей/ Бизюк А.Н., Жерносек С.В., Ясинская Н.Н., Ольшанский В.И., Коган А.Г.// Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2014. ─ № 27. ─ С. 9.