УДК 677.024
abstractThe structure analyse of the warp tapestry in order to group separate warp threads. It was revealed the belonging of the main threads of the considered weaves to a longitudinal section of the respective groups. Such systematization allows to define the thread shrinkage length of any tapestry fabric warp belonging to characteristic section of the group. The results of the research are used to create a software product allowing to develop new tapestry weaves as well as to adjust the structure of fabric in order to equalize the values of warp threads shrinkage length not only within the tapestry weave, but also in the area of the jacquard pattern’s rapport. |
Акиндинова, Н. С. Структура современных гобеленовых тканей / Н. С. Акиндинова // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2012. ─ № 23. ─ С. 7.