UDC 005.591.6:334.012.42
abstractIn work need of the analysis and an assessment of an innovative and technological level of development of the commercial organization is proved. The author's characteristic of such categories as is given: innovative level of development, technological level of development, innovative and technological level of development. On the basis of an integrated approach the technique of the analysis and an assessment of an innovative and technological level of development of the commercial organization including the private, generalizing and dynamic indicators is developed. As a result of approbation of a technique in JSC ETON Plant and Kobinat ZhBIK branch of JSC Orshanskogo stroitelnogo tresta № 18, key problems of an innovative and technological level of development are defined and need of activization of innovative activity and increase of technological level of the studied organizations is proved. |
Prudnikava, Liudmila. Complex methodology for analysis and e valuation of innovative technological level of
the commercial organization / Prudnikava Liudmila, Zhyhanava Tatsiana // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2016. ─ № 1(30). ─ P. 173.