УДК 339.13 (476)
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РефератSUMMARY The Belarus clothing industry works in conditions of rather rigid competition and has the problems connected to a congestion of the big stocks of finished goods and growth of stocks charges. One of the problems decisions is deeper studying distinctions in consumer preferences. Studying of preferences, segmentation of buyers and the information received on this basis will allow the Belarus enterprises to form correctly assortment of production by kinds, models, proved to carry out a price policy. The modern buyer wishes to get the goods in the necessary assortment, under the comprehensible price, during necessary time, in the necessary place. The enterprises can reduce finished goods stocks, speed up stock turnover, lower receivable and creditor debts, raising a consumers service degree. |
Слонимская, М. А. Изучение предпочтений и сегментирование покупателей женской верхней одежды на примере рынка г. Минска / М. А. Слонимская, Т. В. Кузнецова // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2010. ─ № 18. ─ С. 164