
Bulletin of
Vitebsk State

ru gb

ISSN: 2306-1774 (Online)

ISSN: 2079-7958 (Print)

раб. тел.  +375 212 495338




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OAJI Vestnik of VSTU








«Bulletin of Vitebsk State Technological University»

The journal “Bulletin of Vitebsk State Technological University” has been published since 1995.

The periodicity of the journal issue is 4 times a year.

Publication directions:

- Technology of Materials and Products of Textile Industry and Consumer Goods Industry

- Chemical Engineering

- Economics

The journal’s editorial staff consists of high qualified specialists from the universities and research centres of the Republic of Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Germany, Partugal.

39 issues of the journal were published.

The main aim of the journal is the distribution of information about the results of scientific research in the directions corresponding to the themes of the journal.

Open access policy: All the articles published in the Journal "Bulletin of Vitebsk State Technological University" are available to the public free in a full-text mode.

The journal is included in the catalogue of scientific publications approved by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus for publication of the results of dissertation studies, in the information-analytical system Russian Science Citation Index,  Google Scholar Metrics, ERIH Plus Index, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI), and Cyberleninka electronic library.

The journal is aimed at solving the following tasks:

– informing the readers about the state and development of industry, new technologies and equipment, new technical solution, production problems;

– propagation of the advanced experience by creating and perfecting the technological-processes of industrial production;

– promoting the increasing of professional activity efficiency of enterprises specialists.

Target audience of the journal.

1. Scientific workers, postgraduates and students of the academic institutions training the specialists in the spheres corresponding to the edition themes.

2. Leaders and specialists of the technological, design and financial-economical departments of industrial enterprises.

3. Specialists of the research-scientific, design offices and centres, carrying out

 development of new technological processes, equipment, materials and articles.

The fee for publications is not charged.








Educational establishment «Vitebsk State Technological University»

Country of publisher: Belarus


Moscow Av., 72, 210038 Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus
+375 212 495338

e-mail: vestnik-vstu@tut.by


subscription index

74940 - individual subscription

749402 - corporate subscription



