UDC 677.017.2/.7:677.014.332
abstractThe aim of the work is to compare the main thermal physical and physical-mechanical properties of finely dispersed fibrous particles from various materials. The authors conducted experimental studies of the definition of the geometric sizes of fine-divided particles and their influence on the structure and properties of multilayer heat-insulation materials, Hydrophysical, mechanical and thermophysical properties of short-fiber waste of the textile industry are determined. The results of the work allow to determine the main quantitative and qualitative indicators of fibrous masses consisting of fine-divided particles affecting the properties of multilayer heat-insulation materials. The use of ultra-thin and fine-tested fibers in finished products allows to give the latest unique consumer properties and to expand their scope. Thermotechnical Properties of Materials Produced by Aerodynamic Flocking |
Parmanchuk, Vera Thermotechnical Properties of Materials Produced by Aerodynamic Flocking / Vera Parmanchuk, Valery Alshanski // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2021. ─ № 2(41). ─ P. 59. DOI:10.24412/2079-7958-2021-2-59-72