UDC 677.08
abstractThe object of the study is a multilayer foiled material obtained from the waste of the textile industry. The aim of the work is to develop a method for determining the basic thermophysical properties of nonwovens. A method for finding the coefficients of thermal conductivity and thermal conductivity of non-woven fabrics made from textile waste is proposed. The article, describes experimental studies and discusses the dependences of changes in the thermophysical properties of nonwovens under the influence of a stationary heat flow on them. The developed installation and methodology allow us to quickly determine the thermophysical properties of foiled nonwovens, in comparison with materials that do not have a protective coating in the form of aluminum foil. Method for Determining the Thermophysical Properties of Nonwovens |
Alshanski, Valeri Method for Determining the Thermophysical Properties of Nonwovens / Valeri Alshanski, Uladislau Mults, Elena Zimina // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2021. ─ № 2(41). ─ P. 43. DOI:10.24412/2079-7958-2021-2-43-50