UDC 544.723.21:633.18:64.066
abstractAn improved method of mercerizing plant wastes (with an example of rice husk). The degree of swelling in water, static ion-exchange capacity and sorption activity concerning toxic metals Cd(II), Pb(II) and Sr(II) ions are studied for untreated and mercerized rice husk. It was shown that the degree of swelling of the material and its sorption properties increase along with the increase of alkali concentration and the ratio of solid-liquid phase. |
Kupchik, Lidija Еffect of Rice Husk Mercerizing on Its Sorption P roperties after Removal of Cd(II), Pb(II) and
Sr(II) Ions from Solutions / Lidija Kupchik, Vasiliy Denisovich, Oksana Salavor, Oksana Nychyk // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2017. ─ № 2(33). ─ P. 95.