UDC 338.24:339.9
abstractRelevance of the publication is defined by the increasing value of the foreign trade operations in the economy of the Republic of Belarus. The problem of alignment of trade balance still remains a subject of intensive scientific search and is considered as the priority direction for development of national economy as for many years the tendency of excess of total payments of import over receipts of financial means from export of goods is observed. For the solution of the specified problem it is offered to introduce in economic practice and to adapt to domestic realities the definitions «fluctuation», «coherence», «divergence» and on the basis of their analysis to offer model of change of system of a foreign trade turnover which can be considered as one of mechanisms of an exit to zero balance. |
Kryviankova, Iryna. Analysis of export-import transactions of the Republic of Belarus as element of economic
system from position of the statistical theory of nonequilibrium processes of I. Prigozhin / Iryna Kryviankova // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University. ─ 2016. ─ Issue 2(31). ─ P. 113.