UDC 677.042.23
abstractWork is devoted to industrial tests of a fat-free emulsol on samples of artificial knitted fur of Zhlobinsky JSC «Belfa». As a result of the conducted researches are received quality indicators on which impact exerts oiling of fibers namely: surface density of pile cover, surface density of jersey fabric, the mass of weakly-fixed fibers, surface resistivity, pile's resistance to fulling. Measurement results were com-pared with normative values of the indicators of quality, regulated GOST 28367-94. Designed in VSTU - at the department of physics and technical mechanics fat-free emulsol for sizing fibers in the manufacture of artificial fur in all indicators meet the regulatory indicators fur quality and fat-free emulsol can be recommended for use in the manufacture of artificial fur. Application of oil by fat-free emulsol and its influence on quality score of artificial fur |
Sakevich, Valerij. Application of oil b y fat-free emulsol and its influence on quality score of artificial fur/ Sakevich Valerij, Poskannaja Ekaterina // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2016. ─ № 1(30). ─ P. 99.