«Technology and machinery of light industry and machine building»
Sergey VerteshevPskov State University Doctor of Science (in Engineering), Professor
Area of expertise: informatics and computer engineering, automation of manufacturing processes |
Full member (Academician) of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences; Member of the Association for Engineering Education of Russia. |
Publication activity: |
RSCI– h-index (RSCI) is 3 (september, 2020)
• Verteshev S.M., Polyakov A.O. Form von Neumann's Computer to Meta-Machine.– Pskov, the Pskov State Polytechnic Institute (PPI) Press 2007. – 512 pp. (in Russian)
• Verteshev S.M., Marley V.E., Polyakov A.O., Titov V.P. Backbone Intellect (monograph).– St. Petersburg: Nauka Publishers 2009.-270 pp. (in Russian)
• Verteshev S.M., Konevtsov V.A., Poletaev I.A. Methods of Software Developing of Complex SDSDC // European Science and Technology: 4th International scientific conference. Germany, Munich 2013, pp. 377-380.
• Verteshev S.M., Konevtsov V.A. Software Environment for Development of Numerical Control Systems. Computer Aided Design, Manufacturing and Product Data Management (CAD/CAM/PDM – 2015) Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference 26-28 October, 2015, M. 2015, pp. 52-55. (in Russian)
• Verteshev S.M., Konevtsov V.A., Poletaev I.A. Discrete Automation Hardware in Computer-Aided Process Control System (CAPCS) Vestnik of Pskov State University, Series: "Technical Sciences" 1/2015, pp. 101-109 Pskov 2015. (in Russian)