
Bulletin of
Vitebsk State

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ISSN: 2306-1774 (Online)

ISSN: 2079-7958 (Print)

раб. тел.  +375 212 495338



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OAJI Vestnik of VSTU












Galina Yasheva (Halina Yashava)

Educational Institution «Vitebsk State Technological University»

Doctor of Science (in Economics), Professor

Chair of the Department “Economic Theory and Marketing”

e-mail: gala-ya@list.ru


Area of expertise:

Methodology of the economy neoclustering and development of mechanisms for smart cooperation of stakeholders in the context of Industry 4.0 approach;
Institutional mechanism of public-private partnership under conditions of sustainable social-and-economic development;
Methods of raising business competitiveness on the basis of digital and marketing innovations.

Member of independent researches international network "Global Partnership on Development of Scientific Cooperation"
Member of Public Association "Guild of marketers of Belarus"
Member of Editorial Board of peer-reviewed journals: Journal "The Genesis of Genius"; "Belarusian Economic Journal";  "Regional Economics and Management", "Law. Economics. Psychology"

Publication activity:

RSCI - h-index (RSCI) is 12 (September, 2020)


Google scholar





Member of Editorial Board of peer-reviewed journals:

• Journal "The Genesis of Genius"
• "Belarusian Economic Journal" (the journal is registered in the Catalogue of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus and in the National Information Analysis System "Russian Science Citation Index" (RSCI);
• E-Journal "Regional Economics and Management" (Russia) (the journal is registered in the Catalogue of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation and indexed in the National Information Analysis System "Russian Science Citation Index" (RSCI);
• Research and Practice Journal "Law. Economics. Psychology", Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov (registered in the Catalogue of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus)

A fellow member of the reviewer board:

• Member of Editorial Board of E-Journal "Regional Economics and Management" (Russia)  

key publications

• Yasheva, G A. Cluster Interaction Mechanism in the Formation of the Innovative Model of Region Economy / Rud Т.N., Marchuk О.I., Yasheva, G.А. // Actual Problems of Economics: scientific economic journal. - 2014. - №12 (162). – ISSN 1993-6788. – [E-Source]. – Access Mode: http://eco-science.net/archive2014/print:page,1,339--12162.html.- pp. 281 – 289 (indexed by Scopus).

 • Galina, Yasheva, Andrey, Plakhin. Role of international clusters in economy of Russia and Belarus. // PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRENDS OF TECHNOLOGIES AND INNOVATIONS IN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL STUDIES 2017. Book Series: AEBMR-Advances in Economics Business and Management Research Vol: 38 Pages: 531-539 Published: 2017 Conference: International Conference on Trends of Technologies and Innovations in Economic and Social Studies (TTIESS) Местоположение: Tomsk Polytechn Univ, Tomsk, RUSSIA Published: JUN 28-30, 2017. Published by ATLANTIS PRESS, 29 AVENUE LAVMIERE, PARIS, 75019, FRANCE /.

• Yasheva G.А. Prospects for cluster structures development in Vitebsk region // Slonimska, M.A., Yasheva, G.A. Entrepreneurship of Vitebsk region: problems and development prospects / M.A. Slonimska, G.A. Yasheva . - Vitebsk: Public Association of Employers and Entrepreneurs, 2019. – pp. 36-42. – [E-Source]. – Access Mode: http:// kef.by/publications/research/konkurentosposobnost-regionov-belarusi/predprinimatelstvo-vitebskoy-oblasti-problemy-i-perspektivy-razvitiya/.

• Yasheva, G A. Methodological aspects of assessing the level and prospects for the development of integration relations of the organization in the context of creating cluster structures / Yasheva G.А., Vailunova, Yu.G. // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2019. ─ No. 1 (36). ─ S. 187-204.

• G.A. Yasheva, Yu. G. Vailunova. Theoretical and methodological foundations of innovative development of economy in Russia and Belarus based on the formation of corporate-cluster structures /G.A. Yasheva, Yu. G. Vailunova . // Economic security: state, region, enterprise: monograph / under the editorship of V.V. Klimuck; Ministry of Education of Belarus, Baranovichi. Baranovichi State University – Baranovichi: BarSU, 2018. , pp. 61 – 75.

• Yasheva G.А. The competitiveness of economic systems in the context of the networking of the social and economic environment: theory, methodology, practice. / Yasheva, G.A. The competitiveness of economic systems in the context of the networking of the social and economic environment: theory, methodology, practice: monograph / V.V. Bogatyreva [et al.]; under the editorship of Yasheva G.A..  Vitebsk :VSTU, 2018. – 304 pp.

• G.A. Yasheva, Yu. G. Vailunova . Clusters as a Tool of the Innovative Entrepreneurship Development. /G.A. Yasheva, Yu. G. Vailunova . // University Vestnik on Economics. Collection of Scientific Papers of Researches and Postgraduates. Volume 44/2. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky Pedagogical University named after Grigori Skovoroda. Under the editorship of Marmul L.A. et al. Pereyaslav. Pp . 53-61. 2020.