УДК 677.021.166
AbstractThe objective of this work was the development and optimization of technology blended flax/cotton OE-spun yarn. The technological process of the manufacturing of OE-spun flax/cotton yarns of linear density 40 –90 tex containing 40 – 75 % cottonized flax on the RUPTE «Orsha Linen Mill» was developed. Processing of flax/cotton blends at the card C60 with the rotation speed of the cylinder 850 min-1 and the flats speed 330 mm/min-1 provided the minimal geometric characteristics of the fibers and low blends irregularity. The minimal value of CVm of blended slivers (50 % cottonized flax/50 % cotton) is achieved with doubling of 5 slivers at the draw frame RSB-D 40. The rational parameters of flax/cotton yarn 50 tex manufacturing at OE spinning machine R 40 were determined, thereby increasing the efficiency of fabrics production. |
Науменко, А. М. Разработка технологии льнохлопковой пряжи пневмомеханического способа формирования/ А.М. Науменко, Д.Б. Рыклин // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2015. ─ № 28. ─ С. 86.