УДК 687.016:004.9
ABSTRACTThe object of the investigation is technological operations for making the articles of the different assortment in the OAO ZI (Vitebsk). The structure of the operations and the methods for calculating the time norms were investigated. The regularities of the choice of the auxiliary methods for the realization of the technological operations were defined. The formalization of the defined regularities allows to make the choice of the auxiliary operations in the automatic mode. It allows to organize the process of operations design more automatically. |
Голубкова, В. Т. Обоснование выбора вспомогательных приемов выполнения технологических операций / В.Т. Голубкова, Е.В. Бондарева // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2014. ─ № 27. ─ С. 17.