УДК 665.9.061
abstractWe have investigated the swell of the synthesized samples of polyvinyl alcohol crosslinked with a saturated dicarboxylic acid, - a crosslinking agent depending on the crosslinking temperature, and the concentration of crosslinking agent. Determination of the degree of swelling was performed according to the method similar to the method of elongation yarns. As a result of experimental studies found that the optimum temperature - 130 °С. A sufficient amount of crosslinking agent is the inclusion of 0.5%. |
Дорошенко, И.А. Влияние сшивающих агентов на набухание поливинилового спирта в воде / И.А. Дорошенко, И.С. Алексеев // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2014. ─ № 27. ─ С. 136.