УДК 677.017
ABSTRACTThe results of research of influence of the basic operational factors on the change of protective properties of fi re fighter’s protective clothing are presented. Mathematical models of dependence of stability to thermal action of the package of materials and the number of cycles of action are received by various factors of deterioration. The methodological approach for classification of factors of deterioration by degree of influence on reduction of protective properties of a package of materials of fi re fighter’s protective clothing is offered. |
Кузнецов, А.А. Исследование изменения защитных свойств боевой одежды пожарных при многоцикловых эксплуатационных воздействиях / А.А. Кузнецов // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2014. ─ № 27. ─ С. 38.