УДК 543.253
abstractThe method of stripping voltammetry studied the content of mercury, zinc, cadmium, lead and copper in samples of filters of cigarettes before and after smoking. It is established that materials of filters of cigarettes contain zinc, lead, copper and mercury, and in concentration, sometimes higher than in tobacco of cigarettes. It is shown that in some cases in a filter material before smoking the amount of heavy metals is higher, than in a filter material of smoked cigarette. It shows that filters do not always reduce the content of heavy metals in a cigarette smoke, and can be an additional source of heavy metals in an organism of the person. Stripping voltammetric control of heavy metals in cigarette filters |
Брайкова, А.М. Инверсионно-вольтамперометрический контроль тяжелых металлов в фильтрах сигарет / А.М. Брайкова, Н.П. Матвейко, В.В. Садовский // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2014. ─ № 26. ─ С. 103.