УДК 331.5 (476)
abstractThe paper presents the results of the study of flexible elements in the using of labor resources in the Belarusian enterprises. The specificity of the flexible using of labor resources at the micro level is shown. The statistical monitoring of flexible forms of employment is conducted and the direction of their impact on the operating results of the enterprise is identified. Practical recommendations for the enterprises by the selection of labor resources at the micro level are developed. The role of the flexible elements for labor resource using for an effective response to changes in labor demand and supply to promote the growth of labor productivity , to reduce costs and adapt them to solve the problem of full employment is investigated. Elements of the flexible using of labor resources on internal labor market of the enterprise |
Маковская, Н.В. Элементы гибкого использования трудовых ресурсов на внутреннем рынке труда предприятия / Н.В. Маковская // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2013. ─ № 25. ─ С. 139.