УДК 331
abstractThe study concerns identification of the most important elements of Standardized Work Sheet for the process. During the study were identified 45 components. Those elements contain information which are necessary to lead the process effectively and without any disruptions. The obtained results show that some elements identified in Standardized Work Sheet are repeated in both: the templates presented in the literature, as well as applied in the company. However it appears that the frequency of individual elements is not the same in both sources. Components with high frequency of appearing in the literature are not used in the company and vice versa. Verification of occurrence of elements used in Standardized Work Sheet in each sources is the subject of this paper. The quantitative characteristics of the elements of Standardized Work Sheet |
Издэбски, В. Количественные характеристики элементов стандартизированных рабочих листов / В. Издэбски, У. Конколь, Ю. Смагович // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2013. ─ № 25. ─ С. 131.