
Bulletin of
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ISSN: 2306-1774 (Online)

ISSN: 2079-7958 (Print)

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OAJI Vestnik of VSTU








Investigation of the effect the parameters of the structure of cottonized costume fabrics produce on their physical and mechanical properties

UDC 677.017.2/.7





In the current marketplace, it is the quality of fabrics in combination with artistic and aesthetic properties that determines their competitiveness. There are no sufficient studies of the effect weft density and type of weave produce on the quality of costume fabrics made of cottonized yarn.

In order to determine the influence of the weft density and the type of weave on the physical and mechanical properties of fabrics, the fabrics were produced, in the warp and weft of which cottonized yarn of linear density 50 tex was used, the weft density varied from 160 to 220 threads/10 cm with an interval of 20 threads/10 cm, the density on the warp was 203 threads/10 cm. The weaves used are the following: plain weave, filling twill 1/2, equally reinforced twill 2/2, 3/3, satin 5/2. These weaves are most often used in heald fabrics and jacquard costume fabrics. The fabrics properties were tested according to existing methods. Based on the data obtained as a result of the experiment, the mathematical dependences of the properties on the density of the weft are determined, the diagrams show the influence of the type of weave on the properties of fabrics, since this characteristic is discrete.

The use of regression analysis methods made it possible to determine linear dependences of the properties of costume fabrics on the density of the weft and on the weave. However, an assessment of the quality of models through the coefficient of determination showed that not for all physical-and-mechanical properties the proportion of the variance of the output parameter is 95 % of the total variance of the feature. The use of a linear mathematical dependence on the density of the weft with a high coefficient of determination is typical for properties such as breathability, abrasion resistance, surface density and dimensional variation on the substrate after wet treatment.

Investigation of the effect the parameters of the structure of cottonized costume fabrics produce on their physical and mechanical properties


publisher’s imprint

Mileeva, Katsiarina S. Investigation of the effect the parameters of the structure of cottonized costume fabrics produce on their physical and mechanical properties / Katsiarina S. Mileeva, Galina V. Kazarnovskaya // Bulletin of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2024. ─ № 4(50). ─ P. 9. DOI:10.24412/2079-7958-2024-4-9-25.

Accepted to publication on December 16, 2024