
Bulletin of
Vitebsk State

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ISSN: 2306-1774 (Online)

ISSN: 2079-7958 (Print)

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OAJI Vestnik of VSTU








Energy-saving technology for dying textile materials from protein fibers with natural dyes using natural mor dants

UDC 677.027.4

DOI: https://doi.org/10.24412/2079-7958-2024-2-52-61




There is currently a renewed interest in research and development in the production and application of natural dyes for dyeing textile materials due to the growing popularity of eco-friendly lifestyles based on the use of environmentally friendly products. The article presents the research results into an environmentally friendly, energy-efficient technology for dyeing wool yarn using natural dyes. The approach aims to reduce the load on wastewater while enhancing color intensity and maintaining the color range of the textile material through the use of biomordants.

A shortened, environmentally friendly dyeing scheme is proposed, the distinctive features of which are the replacement of the many-hour process of preparing natural raw materials for dyeing with ultrasonic treatment for 40 minutes at a generator power of 70W. This treatment intensifies the extraction of dyes and reduces the consumption of natural raw materials, resulting in vibrant colors during subsequent dyeing. The integrated processes of extraction, dyeing and pickling contribute to efficiency. Dying substances were extracted from the crushed root of Potentilla erecta; the plant is non-toxic and is widely used for medicinal purposes. Biomordants such as Aloe Vera juice, sauerkraut juice, and tartaric acid were used.

The study reveals that it is advisable to dye wool yarn with an aqueous solution of cinquefoil roots at a working bath temperature of 80 °C, which will ensure maximum diffusion of dye molecules into the fiber. By combining dye extraction from natural raw materials and dyeing processes, while reducing the working bath temperature from 100 to 80 °C, the energy intensity of the technology for coloring wool yarn can be significantly reduced.

Energy-saving technology for dying textile materials from protein fibers with natural dyes using natural mor dants


publisher’s imprint

Skobova, Natallia V. Energy-saving technology for dying textile materials from protein fibers with natural dyes using natural mordants / Natallia V. Skobova,Anastasia V. Gorohova, Natallia N. Yasinskaya, Alena P. Papko // Bulletin of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2024. ─ № 2(48). ─ P. 52-61. DOI:10.24412/2079-7958-2024-2-52-61.

Accepted to publication on June 26, 2024