UDC 330.35(510)
AbstractThe article is devoted to the study of China's economic growth, as well as the transformation of its factors at various stages of the country's development. The object of the research is the contemporary economy of China. The subject of this research is the factors of China's economic growth at the present stage and in the near future. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of China's development and develop a model of its economic growth. The scientific novelty of the research results is expressed by the identification of the actual factors of China's economic growth, as well as by the development of a mathematical model describing the economic growth of China at the present stage of its development. The developed model can be used to predict China's economic growth. |
Nikonova, Tatsiana Analyzing China's Economic Growth Model / Tatsiana Nikonova, Olga Andryianova , Wang Jinting // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University . ─ 2022. ─ № 1(42). ─ P. 197. DOI:10.24412/2079-7958-2022-1-197-204