UDC 334.7
AbstractThe article presents an analytical review of statistical data on the development of social entrepreneurship in world practice, defines the institutional framework for the activities of social entrepreneurship entities in certain countries of Europe and Asia. The study made it possible to provide a statistical assessment of the activities of social entrepreneurship in the Republic of Belarus and to offer recommendations for the formation of a high-quality statistical base on the development of social entrepreneurship in the country and its institutional support, taking into account the positive foreign experience and identified national characteristics. Social Entrepreneurship Development: Statistical Measurement and Institutional Support |
Krayenkova, Kristina Social Entrepreneurship Development: Statistical Measurement and Institutional Support / Kristina Krayenkova // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University. ─ 2020. ─ № 2(39). ─ P. 175. DOI:10.24411/2079-7958-2020-13917