UDC 677.017.56
AbstractThe article presents the requirements of regulatory legal acts for clothing designed to protect against the cold. The article shows that the most important indicator of the protective properties of special clothing is the total thermal resistance. Methods are determined that allow to define this indicator. The results of research materials are presented, performed by the standard method and known alternative methods. The following methods define the individual characteristics of the measurement accuracy: measurement error and uncertainty. Conclusions are drawn on methods which are more acceptable for production control. The results can be used by clothing enterprises specializing in the manufacture of personal safety gear, as well as conformity assessment body of products and testing laboratories. Research of Total Heat Resistance of Material Packages by Alternative Methods |
Petsiul, I. Research of Total Heat Resistance of Material Packages by Alternative Methods / I. Petsiul, V. Sapelko // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University. ─ 2019. ─ № 1(36). ─ P. 68. DOI:10.24411/2079-7958-2019-13608