UDC 687.016:687.157
abstractThe ergonomic design of clothing is analyzed and design ways are highlighted: registration of biomechanical characteristics of movements and calculation of optimal values of design parameters; optimization of design parameters in ergonomics; application of original design and technological solutions of details. The water- and thermoproof overalls with inner insulating overalls with high protective, operational and consumer properties, high ergonomic performance providing comfort during operation, mobility when dressing overalls is developed. The design enables its use with equipment and all kinds of activities during the emergency–rescue. Designing of functional and ergonomic water-thermal protective clothing for special purpose |
Olshanskiy,Valeriy. Designing of functional and ergonomic water-thermal protective clothing for special purpose/ Valeriy Olshanskiy, Darya Penkrat, Roman Okunev, Nataliya Bodyalo, Nataliya Garskaya // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University. ─ 2016. ─ Issue 2(31). ─ P. 55.