UDC 338.436.32:636.2.033
abstractIn this research meat products subcomplex development trends in Russia in conditions of global threats and challenges are investigated. Meat and meat products consumption and production dynamics and structure analysis led to the conclusion, that despite the self-sufficiency increase in meat products, significant differentiation of subcomplex sectors development is saved, as well as the high level of import capacity at intermediate stages of production. A cross-sectoral approach to substantiate the subcomplex development strategy oriented on import substitution and food security of the country is proposed. State support measures should be aimed at the transformation of the crisis sectors and industries based on new technologies, the implementation of resource-saving and advanced technologies, investment support of «growth points» in the chain of added value formation, leveling of disproportions in development of the industry. |
Ivanenko Irina. Meat products subcomplex development trends and perspectives in Russia in conditions of
global threats and challenges / Irina Ivanenko, Nataliya Yakovenko // Vestnik of Vitebsk State Technological University. ─ 2016. ─ Issue 2(31). ─ P. 106.