УДК 658.81
abstractStrategic assortment management provides its compliance with market conditions. Tactical management is related to the choice of specific positions depending on the level of demand and economic indicators for each position. Mutually beneficial cooperation with the existing system of distribution channels can increase the effectiveness of tactical decisions on the formation of the production assortment of goods. The article explores ways to optimize the assortment of goods with short terms of sales. The article substantiates the use of combined ABC–analysis of purchased and returned to the industrial processing products with a view to optimize assortment policy of commercial and industrial organizations. Flexible pricing in retail chains for goods with expiring terms of sales will reduce the cost of implementation and the cost of processing these products. |
Прокофьева, Н.Л. Исследование эффективности ассортиментной политики предприятий/ Н.Л. Прокофьева, Р.В. Гаврилов // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2015. ─ № 28. ─ С. 214.