УДК 677.075:61
AbstractThis article is about development of construction of the medical compression arm sleeve for treating lymphedema, produced by cutting method. The development of the construction and technology of medical compression arm sleeve was based on the results of the theoretical and experimental research using the methods of mathematical modeling. Based on the medical requirements the design of the knitted compression sleeve was defined. Styles of arm sleeves and size range including four sizes and two lengths were developed. The method and the computer program for calculating the width of the product details on sites and the methods of construction of patterns that allows to design a compression sleeve to specify the values and distribution of pressure were developed. Development of the medical compression arm sleeve construction |
Надежная, Н.Л. Разработка конструкции трикотажного компрессионного рукава медицинского назначения / Н.Л. Надежная, Чарковский А.В., Луд Н.Г., Шляхтунов Е.А. // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2014. ─ № 27. ─ С. 53.