УДК 621.357.74
abstractThe features of the structure and properties of composite layer including a coating deposited from the chromium electrolyte with nanodiamond dispersed phase and a thin (5-10 μm) film formed by the low temperature chemical treatment in an aqueous oxide containing suspension are proposed. It is shown that the concentration of nanosized dispersed phase of electrolyte is a significant technological factor of deposition of chrome-nanodiamond coating and the structure with minimal size of the spheroids (grains) is formed at the concentration of nanodiamonds in the electrolyte corresponding to Ñа≈ 5-6 g/l. It is shown that the positive effect from the forma-tion of the composite layer "chrome-nanodiamond coating -oxide film" compared to the "blank" chrome coating is the reduction of friction coefficient by 40 − 55 % and the increase of wear resis-tance up to 1.8 − 2.4 times. |
Жорник, В.И. Формирование композитного слоя триботехнического назначения электрохимическим хромированием и химической обработкой в водной оксидосодержащей суспензии / В.И. Жорник // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2014. ─ № 26. ─ С. 121.