УДК 677.
abstractResearch paper describes a new process of obtaining a combined flax-containing conductive thread on the doubling-twisting machine TК2–160M. The paper presents the optimal parameters of the doubling-twisting equipment for the production of a new range of combined flax-containing conductive yarn having linear density 47 tex. The theoretical dependance allows to calculate up to 5 % the breaking load, linear density and diameter of the composite yarn. It was found that by adding to the combined flax-containing yarn copper microwire the electrical surface resistance of the threads is reduced by 8 orders in comparison with conventional yarns that do not contain copper microwire. |
Семёнов, А. Р. Технологический процесс получения комбинированных льносодержащих электропроводящих нитей на тростильно-крутильном оборудовании / А. Р. Семёнов, Е. Г. Замостоцкий, А. Г. Коган, С. Б. Байжанова // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2013. ─ № 24. ─ С. 16.