УДК 658 (476)
abstractThe criteria and techniques for diagnostics and strategic decision-making have been worked out and approved on 88 firms of Bellegprom concern. They are based on fundamentals of the value chain concept. Ranking of enterprises belonging to the concern by three utter factors as net profits, salaries and net exports has been provided; then ranking by three compliant relational indexes has been provided. As a result the breakdowns in apparel value chains between raw material producers and final goods producers have been revealed. The matrix method has been developed and approved, which allows choosing one of four strategies for the company: modernization, urge towards control on value chain, crisis-proof management, displacement of imported raw materials and components. Strategic analysis of light industry enterprises as chain of value creation |
Быков, А. А. Стратегический анализ предприятий легкой промышленности как звеньев цепочек создания стоимости / А. А. Быков, Т. Г. Авдеева, А. Е. Зезюлькина // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2013. ─ № 24. ─ С. 127.