УДК 332.1 (476)
abstractActive regional policy is a tool which allows to achieve the most efficient using the resource potential of the country and priority development of the regions, increasing of their competitiveness. On the basis of statistical information the analysis of the social-economic development of Vitebsk region is conducted. It is revealed that «the key industries of success» for the region are industry, agriculture and trade, but their role in the development of the regions has limitations. The most promising are labor-intensive activities, but even they are not the instruments for improving their competitiveness for certain regions. |
Прокофьева Н. Л. Трудовой потенциал как фактор конкурентоспособности регионов / Н. Л. Прокофьева // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2012. ─ № 23. ─ С. 153.