УДК 677.022.484.4
abstractThe article is devoted to evaluation of influence of regenerated wastes adjunction into fibers mix for open-end flax spun manufacturing. At Orsha linen mill regenerating wastes composition and quantity are identified. Influence of regenerated flax fibers percentage to modification of mix parameters and yarn properties is determined. It is established that adjunction up to 50 % regenerated wastes into mix increases its spinning ability and flax yarn quality. Research of flax yarn technology with adjunction of regenerated fibers wastes |
Васильев, Р. А. Исследование технологического процесса производства льняной пряжи с вложением регенерированого волокна / Р. А. Васильев, Д. Б. Рыклин // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2012. ─ № 22. ─ С. 25