УДК 66.047:3.085.1.
abstractThe process of fabrics drying with thermal radiation under various modes has been investigated. The data obtained resulted in the equations for calculating major parameteres of the kinetics of fabrics drying with thermal radiation. The comparative analysis of parametres calculated with equations and those obtained from the experiments has been shown. The comparative analysis of calculated and experimental data of major kinetic characteristics of the fabrics drying with thermal radiation has shown sufficient adequacy of both experimental and calculated data processing. Research on the process of fabrics drying with thermal radiation |
Ольшанский, А. И. Исследование процесса терморадиационной сушки тканей / А. И. Ольшанский, В. И. Ольшанский // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2012. ─ № 22. ─ С. 93