УДК 677.017:621.3
abstractThe scientific article is devoted to the analysis and calculation of combined conductive yarn tension which has medium linear density and its components while forming on the modernized open end spinning frame with the hollow rotor. The analysis of main forces, influencing the forming yarn in the spinning device was conducted. The results of calculation of tension value, which affects the combined conductive yarn and its components while forming, were described. It was defined, that for stable forming of conductive yarn it is necessary to examine the status of surface of nozzle, and in the case of its wearing out it is required to make replacing in time; otherwise the increased yarn breaking can occur due to increasing friction between yarn and surface of nozzle. |
Костин, П. А. Теоретическое исследование натяжения комбинированной электропроводящей пряжи на пневмомеханической прядильной машине / П. А. Костин, Ю. А. Завацкий, А. Г. Коган, Р. В. Киселев // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета . ─ 2012. ─ № 22. ─ С. 65