УДК 677.025.1:[677.075-419:66.067.33]
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abstractThe features of designing of multilayer filtered materials on base of warp knitted materials with plated and weft-plated combined interlacings with use of polyester complex smooth and texture-oriented yarns. The formula of calculation of yarn length in a loop is specified in view of property texture-oriented extensible yarns to shrink in looping process. The voluminosity coefficient of texture-oriented yarn is analyzed and confirmed by the experiments. It allowes to define the diameter of texture-oriented stretch yarn knitted in a filter knitted cloth. |
Черногузова И.Г. Особенности проектирования многослойных фильтровальных материалов из трикотажа / И.Г. Черногузова //Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета. —2011. —№21. —С. 101