Automation of a choice of a template of the technological chain of yarn production
УДК 677.022:004
- В.Е. Казаков
Республика Беларусь, Витебск, Витебский государственный технологический университет, кафедра "Информатика"

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Article is devoted to a technique of the solution of one of the problems of CAD-systems of spinning production the problem deals with the selection of a technological chain template on the set parameters of raw materials and demanded values of parameters of a received yarn. The technique is based on consecutive or recurrent definition of discrete parameters of a technological chain. For determining of the value of each of parameters the method of construction of the classification trees is used, allowing to predict rlation of supervision or objects to this or that class of a categorial (target) variable depending on corresponding values of one or several predicative (entrance) variables.
Выходные данные
Казаков В.Е. Автоматизация подбора шаблона технологической цепочки получения пряжи / В.Е. Казаков // Вестник Витебского государственного технологического университета. — 2011. — №20. — С. 38